Facebook for the win!

Facebook is the world’s largest social networking platform with over 1 billion users worldwide and of that billion, 6.1 Million are South African…

It’s no secret that Facebook posts are one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your crowdfunding campaign page.

We got the online frontline for you at Chicken & Wolf’s ‘Facebook & Vino’ event:

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Startup Grind Cape Town

Thundafund is thrilled to announce the launch of the Startup Grind Cape Town Partner Page – www.thundafund.com/startupgrindcpt – which went live on Thursday, 31 July for the #MantelliGrinds event!

Startup Grind:

Startup Grind Cape TownStartup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. Locally, they host monthly events for entrepreneurs and startups in Cape Town and Johannesburg. The Cape Town chapter was launched in August 2013 by Guillaume De Smedt – whom has chosen 6 projects; 3 new and 3 funded to feature for this month.

Congratulations to The Labia Theatre; Honest Chocolate; Shifty, Alliance & SAHA; Innovate The Cape; Mzansistore.com and 1000 Drawings Cape Town – the first projects to be showcased!

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crowdfundingFirst things first: Crowdfunding is NOT easy! Just because you have a cool idea doesn’t mean people are going to throw money at you and your project. Crowdfunding campaigns can fail due to a variety of reasons. It could be a result of insufficient planning prior to launch, or people don’t believe that you can deliver on your promise (based on what you’ve shown them). And then there is of course the possibility that your idea isn’t as great as you thought it was. The last reason highlights one of the benefits of crowdfunding. It essentially shows you that your product wouldn’t sell because people aren’t interested. The sooner you find that out the better.

For now though let’s assume you DO have a kick-ass idea. So what are some of the things you should or shouldn’t do? Check out some of our Thundatips! Continue reading

WDC2014: Grooming Session 1

With 1300 projects submitted, 450 making it through to World Design Capital – ONLY a selected few will get to pitch the projects that they submitted at the WDC2014 Tuesday Pitching Sessions. A selection panel from Cape Town Design NPC will select 1 project on each of the pitching nights who will receive a R10 000.00 cash prize for the best pitch.

These pitches are open to the public & the audience will also include investors, philanthropists, venture capitalists, & social profit projects. Join in! 

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Conversations on Crowdfunding with Thundafund: January 2014.

Thundafund and WDC

“Look at Crowdfunding as a shopping mall for doing a specific thing: Thundafund Is a shopping mall for new creative & innovative ideas. People walk pass shops & then decide to stop & check it out – this is your project.

Think about the way in which the Young Designer Emporium operates; where they are 1 store that hold spaces for number of designers to place their labels; these are the principles upon which Thundafund operates.”

The objective of Thundafund is to showcase your venture. Continue reading